Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Top Tens Most Useless Body Parts

Evolution has cause some of our body parts to be redundants. Here is a list of the 10 most useless parts in the human body.

10. Plica semilunaris - An organ that forms the wierd stuffs or in Singapore context 'eye shit' in our eyes when we wake up.

9. Arrector Pili - Muscles that causes our hairs to stand. (Goose bumps) Not that we have much hairs left on our body.

8. Wisdom teeth - The extras that reminds you of the pain you experience when you are young.

7. Coccyx - This is commonly known as the tailbone. Where our tail used to be?

6. Tonsils - Another pain causing organ found in your mouth.

5. Adenoids - Masses of lymphoid tissue that are located at the very back of the nose that helps to fight air-borne bacteria when you are young. It shrinks as you grow and becomes completely useless when you are an adult.

4. Sinuses - Headache causing and infection heaven.

3. Male nipples - Nothing more than decorations

2. Gall bladder - Use to store bile and aids in digestions. But when stones starts forming inside it, we can do without it.

1. Appendix - One of the most common surgical procedure is to remove this tiny tip of the large intestines that aids in digesting cellulose which isn't in our main diet anymore.

More details here

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