Thursday, July 23, 2009

100 Things That The Next Generation Might Not Experience

Here are a few examples:

* Inserting a VHS tape into a VCR to watch a movie or to record something
* 8 Track cartridges
* Betamax tapes
* The buzz of a dot matrix printer
* Finding out information from an Encyclopedia
* Phone books and Yellow Pages
* Waiting several minutes (or even hours!) to download something
* When Spam was just a meat product
* Typewriters
* Putting film in your camera
* Sending that film away to be processed
* Pay phones … and phone booths
* Kentucky Fried Chicken, as opposed to KFC
* Having to manually unlock a car door
* Roller skates, as opposed to blades
* A physical dictionary (either or spelling or definitions)

More here.


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